Sunday, April 13, 2008

A life inside me

From the day I conceived, till today, although 11 weeks has passed as such, I still wonder about the baby inside me.

Early in my pregnancy, i.e. around 5, 6 weeks, I got a few spotting and was quite worried. But everybody, including the doctor said, it was quite normal. I still remember the day I went for a scan i.e. around 6 weeks +, to hear the baby’s heart beat and make sure everything’s fine and indeed yes, everything’s fine.

But I’ve to mention the feeling I got when I first heard the lup-tup of my baby’s. You know, I was all joy and was laughing like heaven. My hubby was waiting outside and I wanted him to hear the beats. So the doctor asked him in. He was just looking at the monitor and looked a bit confused. But when he heard the heart beats, he was brimming with joy and we were unable to control our happiness. Without our knowledge or whatever you call it, an invisible bond is tying us together. We immediately fell in love with each other for the second time…(ha ha)

So now am at 10.4 weeks, and all these days we were wondering whether it’s a boy or a girl. And I was adjusting my dream, or dreaming twice, once abt a girl and next abt a boy. But my hubby is more poised towards a boy since he is telling he is quite unsure on how to handle a girl as his daughter.

But for me, am more concerned abt a healthy mind and body than the gender. I know I can handle both a girl and a boy very well. Above all he/she is a gift from the God for my love towards my husband.

We’ve already started counting the weeks. And on the 12th week, i.e. on April 23rd we’ve a U/S scan and the doctor said, it’s quite an advanced one and using which they can find the abnormalities if any. I’m bit worried, kinda tensed and was trying to control my dreams till 23rd since you know why…(hope everything is alright on that scan).

Science is quite amazing but the mechanisms/technicalities involved in bringing the life to earth, starting from the sperm-egg collision to the moment when he/she smiles at you is really astounding. It’s true that, God is great.



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